It was “DOC”S wish and dream to share this “incredible” body of research and knowledge with doctors throughout the world. Doc was tireless up until his passing in April 1992 of continual research, that began early in the morning and many times, ending late in the evening. The Healing and Uplifting of Humanity was his life’s purpose. I have been blessed by Dr. Rees’ son & daughter, Michael Rees and Debra Rees to receive an enormous amount of archived research that spans over half a century. As Doc would have wanted, I have created a library that practitioners throughout the world will have an opportunity to study, learn and implement this material into their practices. This library will not only be Dr. Rees’ Soft Tissue Orthopedics, but his Bio-Vibrational System of Healing called “Harmonics”. Temporal Sphenoidal Diagnostics and family of diagnostic procedures as well as booklets, manuals, videos, tapes as well as lectures, and material by Dr. M.B.De Jarnette and his development and teaching of Sacro Occipital Technique.
CourseRees Archives

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